In the spring time we were enthusiastic and made an optimistic budget based on the good ol’ glory festival times. However, we had too much going on and were late with band announcements, ticket sales and most importantly: PROMOTION!
So should we just CANCEL Nordic Fest this year? It might have been an easier thing to do since the risk was too high with the current line-up, but at the same time, this was a decision we really did not want to make. Instead, we give you a one-day festival on the 28th of October. There will be 4 bands on stage: WYTCH HAZEL from the UK, MORGARTEN from Switzerland, CRIMSON MOONLIGHT from Sweden and Norway’s fresh new doom metal band ZEBULON.
The Friday will be a metal-cafè night at Sub Scene, and the Cave will still be available from Friday to Sunday. There are now NEW tickets available just for the Saturday evening, and if you already bought a 2 day ticket you can either get it fully refunded if you decide not to come, or partially refunded. We are sorry for the inconvenience of this, but also hope to see many of you here in Oslo, Saturday 28th of October as well as on the cafe night on Friday.
Prepare for the 28th of October!